Saturday, June 24, 2006

1995 Timoshenko Medal Lecture by Daniel D. Joseph

by Daniel D. Joseph , University of Minnesota

In my instructions about the correct behavior of recipients of the Timoshenko Medal at this dinner, Tom Cruse wrote to me that "While I ask that you consider the hour and the length of the evening in selecting the length of your remarks, the time is yours and we are honored to hear from you at that time." This suggests to me that as a Timoshenko Medalist, I can be indulged but that if I really want to be appreciated, I should keep it short.

I understand that when Jerry Ericksen got this award, he said "thank you" and sat down. I would like to follow this courageous path, but I lack the courage and so I will embellish "thank you" just a little.

Of course, I am pleased and honored to get the Timoshenko Medal and I am especially pleased to be introduced by my teacher and dear friend, Phil Hodge. I got my Ph.D. in 1963 at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. My advisor was L.N. Tao, but I took a graduate course in continuum mechanics with Phil when I was an undergraduate. It was a very demanding and quite unusual course with an emphasis on mathematical rigor at a level at which beginning students in engineering could understand. The course had a very important and permanent influence on my understanding of the mathematics of mechanics which influences me still.

At the University of Minnesota, Phil and I were running buddies. We even ran some marathons together; that is, we started together, then I saw his backside for a few minutes and three or four hours later, I could find him well rested at the finish. I ran 22 marathons; my best time for all of them was 3:42. In that marathon, Phil did it in 3:16 and was No. 1 in his old age group. My marathon running is like my career; not much talent, but very persistent. It is good for me that the Timoshenko Medal is also given to tortoises.

Applied mechanics was very strong at IIT in the early 1960's. The late Peter Chiarulli and Max Frocht were there then, and Eli Sternberg had been there not so much earlier. Another applied mechanician, Walter Jaunzemis, taught us a very thoughtful course on analytical dynamics which I appreciated greatly. He died as a young man. It is so sad to think of these ghosts of my past. My friend, Ronald Rivlin, who thank God is still alive and feisty, told me on the occasion of my 60th birthday that I was too old to die young. This is actually some comfort. It might interest you that Barenblatt and I are editing a collected works of Rivlin which ought to appear next year.

My relations with the people of applied mechanics developed more strongly at IIT than later. Peter Chiarulli arranged for me to present some work I did about Stokes flow over a porous sphere at an ASME meeting in a session chaired by George Carrier. He introduced me as Dr. Joseph. I wasn't a Dr., but George didn't know it. Later, he told me that he always played it safe. A little later, he saved me from later embarrassment by rejecting that paper. Too many mediocre papers were published in the 1960's and 1970's.

Jim Rice noted already in his acceptance speech of last year that the early 1960's was possi¬bly the best time to get a Ph.D. in mechanics ever. Due to Sputnik, there was lots of money for fel¬lowships, new faculty positions and research. I certainly benefited from this; I got a good job eas¬ily at the University of Minnesota in 1963 and my career advanced very fast. One consequence of the atmosphere of the time was to put a bigger than usual emphasis on foundations at the expense of applications. Many engineers in those days had an exaggerated idea of the power of abstract approaches. Mathematicians, and physicists too, have a good sense of the history of their subject. They know their heroes and who to emulate. We have not this sense of history in engineering and it leaves us rudderless and prey to foreign influences like those which, in the 1960's and 70's, led to the unnatural attempt to axiomatize mechanics.

It is probable that in recent times the pendulum has swung too far against abstract approaches based in mathematics in a kind of over-reaction which generally accompanies the correction of abuses.

My career can also be understood in two phases, the first emphasizing mathematics and the second, engineering. Actually, I could point to a third phase—the sociology phase, which came first. Some of you may know that I got a master's degree in sociology from the University of Chicago in 1950. Even though I have a master's degree in this field, I don't get much respect. The problem is that no matter how well educated you may be in sociology, the man on the street has his own opinion. Engineers are much better off because they get the benefit of the doubt.

Probably only a few of you know why I got this medal. Some years ago, when I had no honors and awards but Jerry Ericksen had many, I noticed that to get them, you needed to be certified. I told Jerry that the best kind of certification is that you have already got some honors and awards from elsewhere. Jerry then noted that "every dog knows where other dogs pee."

Joking aside, I owe so much to the string of superb students who have worked with me in these past years: Luigi Preziosi, KangPing Chen, Howard Hu, Pushpendra Singh, Adam Huang, Runyuan Bai, Jimmy Feng, Todd Hesla, Mike Arney, Joe Liu, Geraldo Ribeiro, Chris Christodoulou, Oliver Riccius, Joe Than, P. Huang and many others. These students worked with me on many projects; here, I will mention two: Hyperbolicity and change of type in the flow of viscoelastic fluids and the water-lubricated pipelining of heavy crudes.

In the 1980's, together with Michael Renardy and Jean Claude Saut, I found that the unsteady vorticity equation for many models of viscoelastic fluid is hyperbolic, giving rise to waves of vorticity. In steady flows, the vorticity field can be of one type here and another there, as in transonic flow. The other variables, stresses and velocities, are neither strictly hyperbolic and/or strictly elliptic. To me, it is surprising that with so much mathematical work coming from rational mechanics in the 1960's, 70's and 80's, that the problem of the mathematical classification of type of the governing PDE's was not joined.

The key quantity in the discussion of hyperbolic waves of vorticity is the speed of shear waves. We invented a device in 1986 to measure the speed of these waves. We must have measured these speeds in 200 different fluids by now. There are over 100 values published in my 1990 book on the Fluid Dynamics of Viscoelastic Liquids. You can compute a relaxation time for these speeds, and usually it is an order of magnitude smaller than what other people get by the devices they use. I think that conventional rheometers have a too slow response, most of the signal has decayed by the time those instruments kick in.

Using speeds measured on my device, I have correlated data from our experiments on delayed die swell, the orientational change of falling bodies, the change in the drag law of air bubbles rising in viscoelastic fluids and other anomalous effects that were reported in experiments, which I interpret as a change of type. If you use the speed we measure, you get a good agreement, but not otherwise.

I must confess that the rheology community, though not hostile, seems largely indifferent to these results which I consider to be so important.

Another topic on which we have worked, which I like greatly, is water-lubricated pipelining of heavy oils. It is a gift of nature that if you put water and oil into a pipeline, and the oil is viscous enough, say, greater than 5 poise, the water will go to the walls of the pipe where it lubricates the flow. You can get drag reductions this way of the order of the viscosity ratio. Crude oils with a viscosity of 1,000 poise are not uncommon. They can't be pushed through pipes at that viscosity, but with water there, they go through easily. You've got drag reductions of the order of thousands. This is a technology which has been used and it will be used more and more.

CNN found out about our work on this and did a short video segment on it which I am going to show you. That week, I had a tooth pulled and my face was swollen. Just my luck to have a swollen face on the road to stardom.

I have been asked many times if the lubrication of one fluid by another can be described by a variational principle. Strictly speaking, it cannot; however there is something in the idea of minimum dissipation which is best expressed in anthropomorphic terms. "High viscosity liquids are lazy. Low viscosity liquids are the victims of the laziness of high viscosity liquids because they are easy to push around."

Sunday, June 18, 2006

MRS Bulletin features Macroelectronics

The June 2006 issue of MRS Bulletin features Macroelectronics.

The guest editor of this issue include Robert H. Reuss (program manager of DARPA's macroelectronics program), Darrel G. Hopper (principal electronics engineer at US ARFL), and Jae-Geun Park (Materials Center at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)

The issue include a theme review article by the guest editors and four theme technical articles covering various topics related to macroelectronics.


Saturday, June 17, 2006

KEVLAR is a modern material with many applications

1999 Timoshenko Medal Lecture by Anatol Roshko

Small is Good

By Anatol Roshko, California Institute of Technology

The text of the Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1999 IMECE in Nashville, TN.

David Belden’s letter announcing the award was really a surprise, almost a shock. At first I wondered whether it was another example of a story which you may have heard and which, I believe, originated in the FSU. Two friends are at a grand reception sipping cocktails when one notices a man with his chest almost completely covered with medals. Says one to the other, “Do you have any idea what those medals are for?” and the other replies, “Well, you see that one at the top left? That one was a mistake; and the others followed automatically.” I humored myself out of that thought but not out of a feeling of guilt. You see, I suddenly felt terrible that I was not a member of the ASME. There had been opportunities but somehow I had let them go by. One reason is that I was concerned about another onslaught of communications, information and other paper that always results and requires attention. Fortunately, ASME lost no time in relieving my guilt. In a few weeks I received a nice invitation and forms to fill out, and now I am Member No.6143358. And sure enough, information has begun to roll in: a beautiful, glossy magazine, notices of various meetings, etc.

I sincerely thank those who put my name forward and the Division of Applied Mechanics for this honor. I want to assure you that, though not a joiner, my destiny has always been in Applied Mechanics, as you will see as my talk progresses.

Other medalists have had some acquaintance or connection with Professor Timoshenko. Mine is mainly through the ending “-ko”. I understand that there are some who think that Tim O’Shenko was an Irishman but, as most of you know, he was Ukrainian. The “-ko” is almost certain identification. So even though I did not have the good fortune to meet Stephen Timoshenko I feel some connection.

Originally, when informed by Dr. Belden about the award and tonight’s dinner, I assumed that it was going to be appropriate to make a few acceptance remarks and that something like what I just said would do it. Not being a member, I was not familiar with the rituals of the Applied Mechanics Division. So when, a few months later, Professor Needleman informed me of the custom, I again had a bit of shock, especially when he told me it should be a NON technical talk; and no blackboard, no overhead projector! And a written copy would be needed for the Newsletter! Well, I have here my illegible hand written notes which I hope to have in printable form before the due date.

What do you want to hear in a non technical talk? Humor? Advice? An appraisal of the field and projections for the future? Views on public policy for Applied Mechanics? I’m not very good at any of that. So I’ve modelled my talk somewhat on that of Professor Willis, the 1997 Medallist, whose acceptance speech I read in the AMD Newsletter and liked very much. Some back copies were kindly provided by Professor Needleman and Mr. Majewski.

The theme is “how to pursue a satisfying career in Applied Mechanics”, and I feel very satisfied with mine. I discovered the generalized formula only at the end of my career, but perhaps someone else can use it. Simply stated it is this: “Be in the right place at the right time.” But there’s an important caveat: the places should be small. I use the term “places” as a generalization for various entities, as you will see. Hence the title of this talk.

My career started in a small high school in a small coal-mining town in the Canadian Rockies. There were 15 in the graduating class. Bellevue High School provided me with an excellent education in the basics, up to introductory calculus. The town was an ethnic pot, it was poor, everyone in it was poor, but the three high school teachers had University degrees! I still don’t know how that worked and why it doesn’t seem to work so well now, but I think one clue may be in the word “small”.

From there I went to the University of Alberta, which at that time had a total enrollment of about 2500. I was in the Civil Engineering class, some 15 in all, but on a special track called Engineering Physics, which allowed me to substitute extra Math and Physics for courses like Concrete Mixing. The Eng. Phys. option was the brainchild of Applied Mechanics professors in the Civil Engineering Department (there was no M.E. Department at that time); they were mainly in Structures and Soil Mechanics. Many of them had gone to the University of Illinois for graduate work. One of them, my good friend George Ford, an Applied Mechaniker at heart, went to Stanford to work with Goodier, the son-in-law of Timoshenko who was still very active then. So I got to know a bit about Timoshenko from George Ford, who went back to Alberta and was instrumental in establishing an M.E. Department there.

From Alberta, after some diversions, I came to Caltech for graduate work in GALCIT. This is, effectively, the department of Aeronautics, but the Division of Engineering and Applied Science does not have Departments. I guess each department would be TOO small. Lucky for me; I got to teach some of the Applied Mechanics courses that George Housner and Don Hudson had established.

In 1946 the enrollment at Caltech was about 1500, half undergrad and half gradate. After half a century it has grown to about 2000, still half and half. Bigness is not big at Caltech. You probably noticed that US News and World Report recently ranked Caltech at the top of Universities in the U.S. (even though it’s not a University!). You may have also heard, at about the same time, another education story from LA County, namely the crisis in the Los Angeles Unified School District. It’s difficult to avoid comparisons—no, not with Caltech but with Bellevue High School. In fact, one of the proposals being suggested is to break up LAUSD into smaller units. About the size of the old Bellevue School District should be about right. (This ends my venture into Public Policy.)

I was fortunate to come into the orbit of Hans Liepmann the first day I arrived at Caltech. Much of my way of seeing and doing things has been influenced by him. Hans was wary of bigness. He liked to keep things lean: big funding brings big baggage with it; you should seek funding for research you want to do, not the other way around; research must be enjoyable to be productive; “smaller” makes it easier to recover from setbacks, even crashes, and so on.

Echoing Professor Willis’ observations, I believe that a productive career in research in Academia is helped by three elements, all related to the fact that research is nurtured by questions and questioning. An ideal mix is the combination of teaching, consulting and research; the elements of this triangle feed each other constructively.
To teach technical material convincingly it is necessary to understand it, and students encourage you to do so. Digging deeply often reveals gaps not only in your own understanding but often in the subject itself. When interacting with students at the research level we teach each other. Liepmann delighted in asserting that even before a PhD thesis is finished the student should know more about his subject than anyone else, including his advisor.

The second element of the triangle which leads to questions and questioning is consulting, using this term in the broad meaning of interaction with the outside world, whether it be industrial companies, government laboratories or other societal entities. My own work was strongly influenced by such activities. Observing engineers solve tough technical problems, with imperfect technologies at their disposal, gave me a healthy respect and admiration for how they get their jobs done, and it often left me with feelings of inadequacy to help. I also realized how inadequate even our best students may be feeling as they stepped out into the real world. This led to the introduction, with Don Coles, of a new course in our curriculum, officially called Technical Fluid Mechanics but unofficially Dirty Fluid Mechanics, the kind you can’t find in textbooks. This enabled us to pass on to our future engineers and researchers some extra help; at the same time it impacted our own research, by the feedback process I’ve mentioned. I suspect that there’s also a place for a course in Dirty Solid Mechanics.

The third corner of the triangle, scientific research, is at the apex. Feynmann called it “the pleasure of finding things out”. Exhilaration may be a better describer. I feel privileged to have experienced it. Professor Oden, in his 1996 acceptance speech, said “I have experienced this phenomenon many times. I am constantly amazed by it, but find it awkward to explain or rationalize”. I had thought to give a few examples here, but there’s no blackboard or overhead projector! But I have promised to write up one of them for Applied Mechanics Reviews.

It seems to me that it is the nature of Applied Mechanics research that it is best carried out by individual investigators or small groups. So it concerns many of us that the trend is toward large consortia of researchers who are supposed to interact with each other and across disciplines. This is inevitably directed research, about which many thoughtful people were concerned when government funding of research accelerated, continuing a process that had begun during World War II. Other thoughtful people point out that this is the only way that societal expenditures on research can continue and even increase, and that anyway there is no net loss to the undirected research that would and will otherwise flourish. Perhaps this trend toward more directed research should be viewed as a contribution to the consulting corner of the triangle which I described and that individuals may still be able to work on their creative ideas under the umbrella of a large consortium. A little moonlighting might be helpful. In fact, life could be very comfortable, except possibly for the Director. But, inevitably, creative people will be left out.

Also troubling is that bigness seems to be crowding out some of the culture that has served Applied Mechanics so well, i.e. the abstraction of well-posed scientific questions from important but messy practical ones (a phrase which I’ve borrowed from Garry Brown). As someone (Prandtl?) remarked, “there is nothing so practical as a sound scientific theory”. It is idealized models, leading to analytical descriptions, that reveal the innermost workings of nature, and they help develop the “intuition” which engineers need to do their “dirty” work. This culture should not diminish; it is already small.

Mr. Chairman, again I thank you and the Division for the honor you have given me, the ASME for signing me up, and you the audience for the opportunity of speaking to you.

Friday, June 09, 2006

A Second-Gradient Theory of Fluid Flow

Recently, Eliot Fried and Mort Gurtin have developed general balance equations and boundary conditions for second-grade materials. Their work is set to appear in the Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis and is presently available online (DOI: 10.1007/s00205-006-0015-7). The theory essentially blends classical work by Toupin on elastic materials with couple stresses with a modern, nonstandard principle of virtual power developed by Gurtin. Importantly, the basic formulation is independent of constitutive assumptions, and as such, applicable to both solids and fluids.

Fried and Gurtin consider incompressible fluid flow as one such application. The approach effectively generalizes the Navier-Stokes equations to include higher-order gradients of the velocity field. Through constitutive assumptions, material lengths are naturally introduced in the flow equation and higher-order boundary conditions. Fried and Gurtin refer to the former as the gradient length, L, and the latter as the adherence length, l. This work is of interest because recent simulations suggest that at sufficiently small length scales, the classical Navier-Stokes equations and their boundary conditions fail to accurately describe fluid flow. The new theory provides a mechanism to account for these length scale effects, and being continuum-based, promises to be much more efficient than discrete methods such as molecular dynamics.

In particular, Fried and Gurtin consider the case of plane Poiseuille flow and derive analytical expressions for the velocity profile. If one considers laminar flow through a channel of height h, for example, gradient effects play an increasingly important role on the flow with decreasing ratios h/L of physical to gradient lengths. A plot of the flow profiles predicted by the theory is reproduced here in the Figure to the right. The theory allows for a range of flow profiles from the limiting cases of strong (l approaching infinity) and weak (vanishing l) adherence to the classical results predicted by the Navier Stokes equations.